Pickle Dip Pinwheels:
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup ranch dressing
1/2 cup diced pickles
1/4 cup chopped fresh dill
1/2 cup sliced ham
1 large flour tortilla
Salt and pepper to taste
1. In a medium bowl, mix together the cream cheese and ranch dressing until smooth.
2. Stir in the diced pickles and chopped fresh dill.
3. Lay the tortilla flat on a clean surface.
4. Spread the pickle dip mixture evenly over the center of the tortilla, leaving a 1-inch border around the edges.
5. Arrange the sliced ham on top of the pickle dip mixture.
6. Roll the tortilla into a tight log, starting from one of the long edges.
7. Slice the log into 1-inch thick rounds.
8. Serve chilled and enjoy!
Extra options
You can adjust the amount of pickles and dill to your taste.
Use sweet or dill, for a unique flavor.
Add some chopped onions or garlic to the pickle dip mixture for extra flavor.
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